Naturalists | 02.05.25
Steve Keyes
Nocs Naturalists

Introduce yourself and your epic community you're involved with.
Hi - I'm Steven Keyes, the founder of Slug Bicycles, an independent bike and outdoor brand based in San Francisco, CA. We champion the everyday, not race day. Our products are high-quality, long-lasting, and proudly made in Taiwan. Slug is active in their local community, regularly hosting group rides, campouts, and educational experiences.
Slug challenges the concept of speed in cycling by embracing the identity of one of the slowest-moving creatures. In doing so, they are making the Fastest Slugs on Earth.
On any given day, I'm in awe of what friends and riding buddies are doing on or off their bikes in this remarkable part of the world.

We're curious, why and when did the Slug Bicycles journey begin?
We officially began in 2020, though there is some history from before. We design our bikes to be adaptable to your changing needs, to last a lifetime or two, and always include provisions for racks/bags/etc. As a smaller brand, we can try new things faster than the mega bike brands, and we spent our first few years iterating on frame geometry, tubing, and capability. Now, we're excitedly approaching the second versions of both of our bike models, with our mountain bike, The Gasser, dropping first.
What do you find happens when people come together for a ride?
Group rides are the best part of owning a bike company! It's always exciting when a group comes together for a shared experience on the bike and in the hills. A group ride is often a mix of child-like joy, excitement, some anxiety, and frequently a lot of pride in accomplishing something that may have once felt impossible. At Slug, when we host a ride, we also make a point to call out the diversity of bike setups and personal style. While we sell bikes, we also want to make everyone feel comfortable and remind them that there's more than one way to ride the trail.

Ok, what's a great outing for biking in your area? Do you have a favorite bird and critter that you see often while riding?
The Marin Headlands. In less than an hour, I can ride from my place in the city, across the Golden Gate Bridge, and onto the dirt. It feels worlds away from the city, but it's only about 10 miles. I also get to cross the Golden Gate Bridge, which I still find impressive even after 10+ years of living and riding here. In the headlands, it's common to see rabbits, quail, hawks, and coyotes, but catching a glimpse of a Bobcat, especially on their namesake trail, is always memorable.
Do you have any "heroes" to speak of? How are you inspired?
I have to mention my parents. My Dad got me into bike riding when I was a kid, and he still rides even now in his mid-70s. It's also hard not to be inspired by our local Bay Area scene. We have so much history within the bike world and the outdoor industry here. Mountain biking began up the road in Fairfax, The North Face was founded in the North Beach neighborhood, and Jack O'Neill opened the world's first surf shop at Ocean Beach. There's something about this city, too! I catch myself staring at it from afar or stopping during my commute because the light is hitting the hills just right. Living and riding here is wild, and I try not to take it for granted.

What have been your biggest challenges?
Like many younger brands, awareness is a big challenge. We're so proud of what we're doing at Slug and want to share it with the world. We don't have the budget of the mega brands, but that's ok. Growing slowly and organically gives us time to get to know our customers and actually ride together. Trust is another big one. Bikes are expensive, so we're constantly trying to figure out how to communicate as much about the ride quality as possible through a computer so our customers feel they've made the right choice. I should say, we're always down for an old-fashioned phone call! Give us a ring if you have any questions/concerns about our bikes.
We're stoked that Nocs are in your toolkit. In what situations do you find yourself grabbing your Nocs? How are they helping your craft?
It's a hot take, but biking plus birding may be one of the most enjoyable, low-stakes outdoor activities possible. As bikers, we're constantly stopping to take in the view, but with Nocs, we can take in even more. Our recent collaborative campout was eye-opening as well. We hear birds all the time during our rides, so now that we have some context around our local surroundings, we'll keep a log of the birds we see and hear. Nocs have made biking more than *just* biking, and that's exactly how we like it at Slug.

A key ingredient to building a sustainable future?
Kindness. We all have stressors and things going on in our personal lives that we may not openly broadcast. It's important to remember that as we move through the world. I do my best to assume good intent because I have no idea what someone may be going through. One snarky comment or odd interaction should not define a person, and the more kindness we show each other, the more that will reverberate throughout the world.
Anything on your calendar that you're looking forward to? We'd love to stay in touch! Where can we find you these upcoming months?
So much! Our calendar is already stacked for next year. Before that, though, we'll launch our updated mountain bike. We'll also be at Sea Otter next spring and hope to host a few big group rides around the Bay Area during "SF Summer." Follow our Instagram and join our mailing list if you're curious to learn more. Buckle up. We have BIG dreams.